Redfern Boarding House
The subject site is situated on the southern outskirts of the geographical centre of the Sydney CBD.
The subject site benefits from strong exposure situated adjacent to a prominent thoroughfare in George Street. The subject site is well serviced by public transport, being within walking distance from Redfern train and new light rail stations as well as several bus stops. The subject site is within close walking distance to the Redfern shopping precinct and CBD.
The design solution provides for the construction of alterations and additions to an existing dwelling house situated at the front of the allotment and a purpose built boarding house situated towards the rear of the subject site.
The proposed alterations and additions have been designed to effectively integrate with the existing dwelling and reinstate its historical qualities. The boarding house development has been designed in accordance with best practice design principles.
The dwelling house will maintain a 2 storey height limit with an upper level void or attic area. The proposed height of the dwelling is significantly lower than that of surrounding and adjoining development however is consistent with the height and scale of the terrace style dwelling situated opposite.
The proposed boarding house development maintains a 4 storey building height consistent with the scale of the adjoining building to the south west and maintains a lower profile than the residential apartment building to the east of the subject site.
There are no significant trees on the subject site requiring removal to facilitate the proposed development. A large tree in the south eastern corner of the site is to be retained with the proposed boarding house effectively constructed around the tree. Such creates architectural interest in the building and ensures the tree is retained.